We can help you to live independently at home and stay connected to your communities. Our services provide a range of useful information, advice, and support. This allows you to take control of your life, meet your own goals, and build confidence.

Examples of support

  • Help with organising finances
  • Setting simple goals to improve your quality of life
  • Housing and home support
  • Accessing and playing a part in your community
  • Falls prevention help and advice
  • Equipment aids, technology-enabled care, and home adaptations
  • Hospital discharge support and accessing community services
  • Help with re-learning daily living skills after an illness, with a disability or deterioration in health
  • Help with digital literacy

Find out more about how ILS can help you.

How to contact us

Tel: 029 2023 4234
Email: contactils@cardiff.gov.uk

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm